1. U.S. is 4% of world population but uses 25% of worlds resources.

2. The world has 220+/- nations with 5445 languages.

3. Children of divorce:    1950 (6.3/1000)
                                    1969 (7.2/1000)
                                    1970 (12.5/1000)
                                    1975 (16.7/1000)
                                    1980 (17.3/1000)

4. Compare "Born again Christians" to the rest of the world.
Born-again/Evangelical Christians                Non Born-again
        20% believe in reincarnation                       24%
        26% believe in astrology                             24%
        22% believe in witches                               20%
        17% believe in channeling                            7%
        22% superstitious                                      25%
        33% are pro-choice
        45% believe good people can earn their way to Heaven
        34% believe Jesus sinned
        35% do not believe that Jesus physically rose from the dead
        45% believe that Satan is not a living being (only a symbol)
        53% believe they should tell others about their faith in Jesus
    Doesn't there appear to be a problem here?

5. Children bet the ages of 5 & 13 have a 32% chance of accepting Jesus as Savior,
                            ages of 14 to 18 have a 4% chance of accepting Jesus as Savior.

6. In the past 30 years
        Illegitimate births                                         up 400%
        Single parent families                                   tripled
        Divorce rate                                               doubled
        Teenage suicide                                          up 300%
        SAT score                                                 dropped 73 pts.
        No. one health problem for women             domestic violence
        STD in youth 1970's                                  1 in 47
                            Today                                   1 in 4

Generation "X":
        61-The "Pill" first introduced; 63-Bible and prayer out of schools
        68-No more right or wrong; 68--Films made a big change-anti child
        70-No fault divorce; 72-ERA push; 73-Roe vs Wade; 70's-Sexual revolution;
        74-Nixon resigned-government took a down turn; 81-Aids discovered

    Sun and earth!
        Sun moves 150 mi/sec; Sun is 93,000,000 miles from earth;
        Sun's dia. is 865,000 miles. Earth's dia. is 7,950 miles; Earth moves 65,630 mi/hr.
        If we move that fast, why don't we fall off.

9. Born again church youth say there is no absolute truth!
        1991                     52%
        1994                     62%
        1999                     78%
        2002                     91%
    This is staggering. The basis on which we build our Christian faith is "Truth".
    Why is this happening? Because of the secular culture in our lives.

10.         No. of hard-core porn               No. of hard-core porn
            videos released (1,000's)                rentals (millions)
1992                 2.2                                         445
1995                 5.6                                         609
1997                 8.0                                         697
1999                 10.2                                       711
2002                 11.3                                       801

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