During the Easter season we celebrate Christ's resurrection. After the resurrection, Jesus walked among His people for 40 days. What did He do? What did He say during these 40 days?

We must keep in mind that Jesus has a reason for everything He does and especially everything that He says! For example, we receive Communion as a Christian body because Jesus commanded for us to do so when He was teaching at the lake (John 6:49-63) and at the "Last Supper" (Matt 26:26-29). Except for a few prophetic statements in the book of Revelation, the last words spoken by Jesus have become known as "The Great Commission".

This last teaching is as important as His teaching about His Body and Blood. So, what did Jesus say in the "Great Commission"? Who was He talking to?

Matt 28:18-20 says "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Jesus had lived with these eleven (11) apostles for three years and was setting the ground work for what the apostles and the other followers would be doing for "the rest of their lives". That means ALL of His followers including some of you who are reading this article.

To put the idea in modern day terms: When we as parents allow a child to stay at a friend's house for their first over-nighter, don't we give good advise as our final words to our children? That is what Jesus is telling us today. What were Jesus' final words, from Him as our loving father to us, His children. He said, "GO" and tell all people and all nations about Him. Was it a suggestion by Jesus? Certainly not! We are to tell as many as we can about Jesus. All of this sounds like a "Big deal", and it is. But, it doesn't have to be difficult and/or scary.

For a starter, let's make this very simple. For example; when you are out driving, stop by your neighborhood Christian bookstore and pick up a couple dozen "Tracts". They are usually no bigger than 2"x4". Now you are all set to "Go and tell others". For instance; when you go to a restaurant, leave a generous tip inside one of the tracts. See, that's easy.

How about leaving a tract with a tip at the car wash, the mechanic, etc. You get the idea! You are spreading His word with ease.
For His Glory!---Give U'm Heaven!!

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