Evolution |
Creation |
1. Fossil record is an embarrassment |
We now have over 250,000 fossil species with NO transitional links |
2. Fossils in Darwin's day were scarce |
We now have over 250,000 fossil species with NO transitional links! |
3. Found the Archaeopteryx-- said to link reptiles and birds. |
Specimen in 1993 verified that it is a bird |
4. Fossil evidence points away from Darwinism learned in High Schools. |
"In the Beginning God Created..........." |
5. Punctuated Equilibrium---Quantum leaps from one species to another. A theory of R. Goldschmidt |
Example--"The first bird hatched from a Reptilian egg." (There would have to be two eggs) IMPOSSIBLE!! |
6. In 1922 a tooth was discovered which became "Nebraska Man" |
Later, an identical tooth was discovered attached to a skull which was attached to the skeleton of a pig. No Nebraska man |
7. What is "Java Man"? A skullcap, a femur, three teeth were discovered discovered and much imagination. |
The Selenka Expedition by evolutionists that Java man played no part in human evolution. |
8. "Piltdown Man", The jaw bone of an ape was changed to appear human. |
In 1953, Piltdown Man was declared a fake. |
9. "Peking Man" was based on a tooth. |
A few years later more teeth and skulls were found in the same area, they were monkey bones. What a farce! |
10. By the way, Geoffrey Bourne and others believe that monkeys evolved from humans. Yes, you read that right. |
11. The cosmos in all of it's complexity came about by chance. |
Chance means that there is no GOD, no Creator. |
12. The human eye came about by chance. |
Darwin said, "To suppose that the eye could have been formed by 'Natural Selection' seems absurd in the highest degree" |
13. In Darwin's day, a human egg was thought to be quite simple. |
In time the human egg divides into 30 trillion cells, including 12 trillion brain cells with 120 trillion connections. |
14. Many people insist that evolution is factual. |
Dr. James Coppedege determined that the probability of a single molecule being arranged by chance is 1 in 10 to the 161st power. |
15. Evolution states "effects such as organized complexity and life are greater than their cause". |
Modern Science has proven that no effect is ever greater or superior to it's cause. |
16. Much of evolution is based on the "Big Bang" theory. |
The 1st law of Thermodynamics, the law of conservation, means: Neither mass nor energy can appear from nothing. |
17. Evolution requires that every thing gets better in time. |
The 2nd law of Thermo States "Everything runs inexorably from order to disorder." |
The once popular position of evolution: "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" means "In the course of an embryo's development, the embryo repeats the evolutionary history of its species. Thus at various points, an emerging human is a fish, a frog, and finally a fetus, this was theorized by Ernst Haeckel. |
18. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny is a fraud and fantasy. |
The DNA for a fetus does not change. The DNA for a fetus is different than a frog or a fish. |
19. Theistic evolution tries to blend creation with evolution. |
Theistic evolution is the cruelest, most inefficient system for creation imaginable. |
Note: We have one other possibility. Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The above data is from "Fatal Flaws" by Hank Hanegraaff (Christian Research Institute) |