Many have asked about the term “replace­ment theology.” What does it mean? The simplest definition is that it refers primarily to those Christians who believe that the “Christian Church” has replaced Israel in God’s prophetic plans. The argu­ment is that Israel by their disobedience and sin has forfeited its right to exist as the favored

Nation and its right to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Some of these folks believe that the Church has fulfilled what God promised to Israel and, therefore, the Israel of today is not prophetically significant. Some believers also hold that Israel appears to be a “secular state” and is not the “true Israel” of the end time. However, Israel has been some type of a secular state for a large portion of the last 3500 years.

We believe that the LORD God of Israel has NEVER for­saken His people Israel and that the formation of the nation of Israel in 1948 was indeed a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Apostle Paul made it clear that “blindness in part” has happened to Israel (Romans 11:25-27). But, God is not through with His plans, promises, or covenant to Israel! It is an everlasting covenant that is totally unconditional (not based on Israel’s performance or merit but on the love and faithfulness of God Himself) and will be com­pletely fulfilled in the near future. Note: Our salvation is not based on our performance!

We remain solidly in support of the nation of Israel (not defending or justifying any ungodly atti­tudes or actions) and are convinced that God’s prophetic program is centered in the nation of Israel--they are the “apple of His eye” and they are “engraved on the palms of His hands” and He will NEVER leave them nor forsake them! What God said long ago to Abraham still stands today: “I will bless him who blesses you, and curse him who curses you.” The hope for the entire world is found in a personal commitment to the Messiah of Israel (the descendant of Abraham) Who alone can save us from sin, death, and hell!

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