Sex, S.T.D.'s and You! And All of Us! CONTINUED

10 Reasons I want to have sex with my boyfriend!

1. Everyone’s doing it! Wrong!! And most important, you’re are not “everyone”.

2. I enjoy sex! Do you really? Most teenage girls do not! Most feel empty and used.

3. It gives me control! Sure! For one night, a week, a month then usually the spark is over.

4. It makes me feel loved and attractive! What you feel is not real. Being “available” is not being loved.

5. I’m in love. He’s the only one I’ll ever be with. That’s not what the polls say. The truth is that the younger you are when you start having sex, the more partners you will have over your lifetime.

6. It brings us closer together. The truth is women want emotional satisfaction, men want physical satisfaction. Period!!

7. We’ve dated a long time…it’s the next step. Whoa!! You missed a step. It’s called marriage.

8. My boyfriend willbreak up with me if I don’t. That will most likely happen whether you have sex or not.

9. I owe it to him. So, he treats you well. That’s what he is supposed to do. Say thanks in other ways than giving him sex.

10. It’s not that big a deal. One survey says 8 in 10 young women ages 13 to 21 wished they had waited. Why? Just look at the section below on Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

The spread of sexually transmitted diseases (referred to as STDs) is a major, tragic conse­quence of mankind's failure to follow God's order for human sexuality. STDs are "infec­tions that can be spread by having sex with another person who is infected." Some have plagued mankind for much of human history. But today there are more than 30 new STDs, and 30 percent of them have no cure. STDs are spreading at alarming rates. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "estimates that 19 million STD infections occur annually" in the United States. To grasp the gravity of the situation, it would be helpful to observe the more promi­nent STDs and their consequences.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). This terrible disease affects only women. The symptoms are a burning sensation while urinating and abnormal yellowish or bloody vaginal discharge. The symptoms are often mistaken for menstrual cramps. The damage that follows could be: Estopic pregnancy which is fatal to the baby and life-threatening to the mother. Sterility and cancer are common.

Trichomoniasis . This extremely common STD is caused by a parasite and can produce vaginitis. It can be transmitted between per­sons through sexual relationships. Since the parasite can survive for several hours on damp towels, washcloths, and swimsuits, this STD can be transmitted via these items.

The symptoms are: In men, irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, burning after ejaculation or urination. In women, frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with strong odor.  Discomfort during intercourse, itching and irritation in genital area, and lower abdominal pain.

Chlamydia. This STD is a bacterial infection. If neglected, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. In addition, it can make the transmission of HI V easier. Chlamydia can be passed to a baby from the mother during delivery and cause pneumonia and conjunctivitis in the child. It is estimated that 2.8 million new cases of Chlamydia occur each year in the United States.

The symptoms are: In men, burning sensation while urinating, penis discharge, burning and itching around opening of penis and/or swelling of the testicles. In women, burning sensation while urinating and abnormal vaginal discharge.

The dangers are: In men, Sterility. In women, considered to be the most common cause of sterility. Advanced stage may require removal of the uterus, tubes and ovaries.

Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a bacterial infec­tion. If left untreated, serious consequences can result. For men, it can cause epididymitis (genital swelling and pain) and infertility. For women, it can infect the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries; cause pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility; and increase vulnerability to HIV transmission.

The Nemours Foundation, one of America's largest children's health systems and the oper­ator of the Alfred duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware, reported gonorrhea during pregnancy can inflict the newborn baby with "meningitis (inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord) and an eye infection that can result in blind­ness" if left untreated. For both men and women, gonorrhea can also "affect other organs and parts of the body including the throat, eyes, heart, brain, skin, and joints." It is estimated that 718,000 new gonorrhea infec­tions occur each year in the United States. Increasing bacterial resistance to the treatment of gonorrhea is causing concern.

The symptoms are: In men, burning sensation while urinating, yellowish-white discharge and painful or swollen testicles. In women, yellowish or bloody vaginal discharge and a burning sensation while urinating.

The dangers are: In men, Sterility. Scarring of the urethra and urinary tract problems. In women, Sterility. Surgery in severe cases.

Syphilis. Syphilis is a bacterial infection. If left untreated, it can spread throughout the entire body and infect the brain, heart, spinal cord, and bones. It also causes walking prob­lems, numbness, blindness, and death. It can be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy and "cause stillbirth, death soon after birth, and neurological problems in chil­dren who survive." Syphilis also makes a person more susceptible to HIV.

Symptoms are hard to diagnose and can go undetected for quite some time.  Sores, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes, fevers, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue.

The dangers are: In men, brain disorders, heart disease, blindness, dementia and death. In women, same as men and can cause birth defects or death in newborns.

Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver that can be transmitted through sexual relations or unsterilized needles that have been used by an infected person. Nemours said it leads to "liver damage and an increased risk of liver cancer. Ninety percent of babies born to women who have the hepatitis B virus will have the virus unless they receive special immune injections and the first dose of vaccine at birth." Dangers are severe liver damage and can eventually lead to cancer of the liver and cirrhosis.

Genital Herpes. This STD is a viral infec­tion. It can be transmitted by any kind of sex­ual relationship with a person who has a her­pes simplex virus (HSV). Most persons who have this virus have few or no indicators of it. Normal indicators are blisters that break to form a sore. The HSV virus can be transmit­ted from a person who has no sores and is unaware that he or she is infected. Because this disease is caused by a virus, there is no cure for it. Thus, once herpes infects a person, it can remain in the body permanently and reactivate blisters periodically. In the United States" at least 45 million people ages 12 and older, or one out of five adolescents and adults, have had genital HSV infection." An actively infected pregnant woman can trans­mit that infection to her baby with possible results of meningitis, seizures, brain damage and death. Herpes also makes a person more susceptible to HIV. A lifetime of medication is required.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This STD is a viral infection. Thirty of the more than 100 types of HPV viruses are transmit­ted through skin-to-skin contact in all kinds of sexual relationships. HPV is one of the most widespread causes of sexually trans­mitted disease in the world. In the United States, genital HPV is more prevalent than any other STD. Approximately 5.5 million new cases are reported each year, and at least 20 million Americans have it. Some types of HPV cause genital warts as an indi­cator of the infection, but many victims receive no indications. As a result, those peo­ple can unknowingly spread the virus to other sexual partners and are unaware they could develop more problems.

There is no cure for human papillomavirus. Some types of HPV can cause cervical, anal, and other types of cancer. Women who have genital warts bear children who develop throat warts that block their breathing passages.

The dangers are: In men, cancer of the penis and anus. In women, pre-malignant changes which are difficult to eradicate and may develop into cancer.

HIV/AIDS. HIV, the human immunode­ficiency virus, attacks the body's immune sys­tem, rendering it incapable of protecting the body from infectious diseases. Once a per­son's body becomes immune deficient, that person contracts AIDS (acquired immunode­ficiency syndrome), the disease that renders a person defenseless against all infections.

HIV / AIDS has spread rapidly since the first AIDS case was diagnosed in 1980. More than 27 million people have died of AIDS since then. At the end of 2003 approximately 37.8 million people worldwide had HIV / AIDS. Of that, 35.7 million were adults; 2.1 million were under 15. By the end of 2004, 4.9 million new infections occurred. It is estimated that an additional 70 million peo­ple will die from AIDS by 2025.

The most prevalent means of contracting the HIV virus is direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected partner in sexual relations. Less prevalent means include use of unsterilized needles (previously used by an infected person for injecting drugs or medi­cine, tattooing, or ear piercing), being born to an infected mother (HIV can be passed to the developing child through the umbilical cord and contact with the mother's blood and body fluid during birth passage from the mother), and drinking an infected mother's milk.

In the United States the total estimated diagnosed cases of AIDS through 2003 was 929,985. Of that total an estimated 440,887 men contracted AIDS through male-to-male sexual relations, and an additional 62,418 from a combination of male-to-male sexual relations and injection drug use. Through heterosexual relations with infected part­ners, 56,403 men and 93,586 women got AIDS. 175,988 men and 70,558 women acquired it through injection drug use. And 14,191 males and 6,535 females contracted it through other means, including blood transfusions, In light of this latter means, a man who has had even a single homosexual relation since 1977 is forbidden by the Red Cross to be a blood donor.

There is no cure for AIDS. Modem drugs have slowed the time it takes the HIV virus to progress to AIDS. A person may now have 10 years before HIV turns into AIDS. But early in 2005 a new strain of HIV was detected. It is highly resistant to these drugs and seems to progress to AIDS in several months. This has caused great concern.

Anal Cancer. Cases of anal cancer have increased in recent decades. Studies have demonstrated "significant associa­tions between measures of sexual promis­cuity and the risk of anal cancer in both men and women." There is "strong evi­dence that a sexually transmitted infection causes anal cancer."

HIV/AIDS, Herpes, HPV (warts) and Hepatitis B all start with an "H". This is because they are viral STD's and at this point do not have a cure. Once infected with a virus, it cannot be cured, and will remain in your body for the rest of your life causing reoccurrences and further outbreaks of the disease.

Economic Consequences:

The spread of sexually transmitted dis­eases has economic consequences as well. This is especially true of the HIV / AIDS crisis. One consequence is the cost of treatment. The average wholesale cost of medication is about $14,000 per year for an HIV patient and approximately $34,000 per year for a person with AIDS. Such costs are bound to affect health insurance premiums significantly.

In addition, the deaths of so many work­ing-age persons from HIV / AIDS can have serious, long-range consequences for economies. Markus Haacker, the primary author of a report issued in 2004, stated, "The economic and social consequences of the increased mortality and morbidity associated with HIV / AIDS are serious and diverse." The report warned that HIV / AIDS deaths could cause an economy to shrink "to about one-third its size in three generations." The children of young adults who die from HIV / AIDS will ''be less able to attend school" and won't learn "the life-skills that parents teach their children." As a result, they will be "less able to provide for their chil­dren's education, and so on."

S.T.D. Prevention:

The only sure way to escape receiving an STD is as follows: total abstinence from sexual relations before marriage, marriage with a person of the opposite sex who is free of STDs, and complete faithfulness in the marriage. In other words, follow God's moral order for sexuality.

There are groups that resist teaching this sure way and insist that it actually hinders the battle against HI V / AIDS. They claim the effective way to combat the disease is through the distribution and use of con­doms. But this approach has two prob­lems. First, even when used correctly, con­doms have a "13 percent failure rate against HI V," a "50 percent failure rate against gon­orrhea, syphilis, and chlamydeous," and a "100 percent failure rate against genital her­pes and human papillomavirus." Second, in a little over 10 years, HI V / AIDS infection rates dropped from 21 to 6 percent in Uganda as a result of that nation emphasiz­ing abstinence before marriage, faithfulness in marriage or a monogamous relationship. By contrast nations with the greatest use of condoms have greater infection rates.

We Repeat, Statistics On STD’s:

  • 50%-80% of those infected don’t know they are infected.
  • Up to 36% of condoms fail to prevent pregnancy.
  • 50% of new HIV cases are under 25 years old.
  • 25% of Americans ages 15-55 are infected with an STD.
  • There are 41,000 new cases of an STD every day in the U.S.
  • More than 60 million people in the U.S. are currently living with an incurable STD.
  • Each year an estimated 1,000,000 women experience an episode of acute PID.

A Serious Inconsistency:

Government agencies, businesses, the media, and schools try to persuade people to avoid smoking, a known cause of seri­ous illness and premature death. Why, then, do they support and promote accept­ance of the gay lifestyle, a known cause of serious illness and premature death to so many? Opponents of that lifestyle are accused of being hateful and unloving. But in reality, it is hateful and unloving to sup­port and promote acceptance of something that can have serious consequences for a fellow human being.

The spread of AIDS in Africa has peaked. Three countries there, Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe report declining HI V prevalence thanks to their “Abstinence” programs.


As God said:The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death” Proverbs 14:27

Your Sexual Exposure
Your                 Your
partners           exposure























Abstinence is the best Alternative:

Text taken from “Friends of Israel” and the Heritage House ‘76, Inc.

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