LIFE OF CHRIST - Who Is Jesus and How Do We know?
Session 1
All of the class notes were written and prepared by Gregory Koukl. Mr. Koukl is the founder and President of the organization "Stand to Reason". You will find further information about Mr. Koukl at the end of this lesson.
I. Introduction
A. The volume of material here may seem overwhelming.
Don't let that scare you. These extended notes are given as a resource
to make your own study and learning more productive. Take it at your own
speed. We try to set a full table; you eat what you like.
B. We will field questions on e-mail.
C. Each one teach one.
1. Read each session's notes
again at least once through as a review.
2.Tell someone else, in as much
detail as you can, what you're learning and significance the teaching has
had for you.
D.To obtain a certificate for the class, you are required to write a ½ page summary for each session. Simply click on the e-mail address and send your report.
II. Goal of the class: who is Jesus,
and why did He come?
Almost everyone has an opinion about Jesus:
A. Christian cults:1
1. Jehovah's Witnesses:2
The first
creation of God, Michael the archangel in the flesh, Jesus was raised not
in the flesh but as a mighty, immortal spirit.
A spirit
child of Elohim and twin spirit brother to Lucifer, Jesus attained divinity
his intelligence, devotion and obedience.
3. Christian Scientists:
is the human man and Christ is the divine idea" (Science and Health,473:15-16).
Not that the human Jesus was or is eternal.. not one with the Father...
but fleshly... Christ is "the Ideal Truth," "Divine Idea," "reflection
of God"(SH, 334:10-20).
B. New Agers:
An ascended master, a guru, an
enlightened one of many, Jesus shows the way we can all experience our
innate divinity.
C. Humanists:
Jesus was the fully actualized
human being, perfectly exemplifying love, acceptance and the "golden rule."
D. Historical Christianity:
Jesus was the singular and unique
incarnation of God, who died to pay the debt of sin for mankind, the only
way to salvation. To answer this question we have to go back to the only
source of information we have about Jesus: history.
III Jesus as an historical figure. There are two reasons why it's vital we understand Jesus of Nazareth from an historical perspective.
A. History separates Jesus from other mythical characters.
B An historical, flesh and blood Jesus who lived
and died and rose from the dead the necessary foundation of Christianity.3
1. The Christian faith is founded
on a person not a teaching (as in other religions).4
2. Jesus drew attention to Himself
(Who'd people say that the Son of Man is?" Matt. 1:15~), not His teaching.
3. The decision you make about
His identity (not His teaching) will determine, according to Jesus, where
you will spend eternity, John 8:24
There are two categories of information from history that we have about Jesus. We will make use of the best historical sources we have available to us about Him, being especially alert and sensitive to cultural context:
C. Non-biblical sources:
a. Tacitus (Annals)
110 A.D. This Roman historian writes of Jesus being, "the author of this
name [Christians] was Christ, who, in the reign of Tiberius, was brought
to punishment by Pontius Pilate the procurator" (Tacit. Annal. 15:44).
b. Pliny
the Younger - 62-113? A.D. In a correspondence with the emperor Trajan,
Pliny noted that Christians met regularly and sang hymns "to Christ as
if to a god" (Letters 10:96.7).
c. Josephus
- 37-95? A.D. Jewish historian of the late 1st century.
d. Completing the list are short references from Julius Africanus (quoting
e. Thallus) and Seutonius (Blomberg, pp. 196-7)7
2. Significance:
None of the early historians have much to say about Jesus. However, they establish Jesus as an historical person and confirm some of the events of His life.
Though limited in detail, these references mesh perfectly with the more extensive accounts we find in the only other historical source of information we have, the Gospels. The secular sources give us corroboration, not content.
3. Why such sparse references?
Today we live in a "global village" where every noteworthy event is communicated and cataloged. These events, however, took place on the obscure fringe of the Roman Empire at a time when "secular" interest in recorded history was minimal by comparison.
What should surprise is not how little we have but, under those conditions, how much detail we actually have when we consider the next source of historical information we have about Jesus.
4. Summary:8
was executed in Judea during the period when Tiberius was Emporer (AD14-37)
and Pontius Pilate was Governor (AD26-36)--Tacitus
b. The
movement spread from Judea to Rome--Tacitus
c. Jesus
claimed to be God and would depart and return--Eliezer
d. His
followers worshipped Him as (a) god.--Pliny
e. He
was called the "Christ."--Josephus
f. His
followers were called "Christians. "--Tacitus, Pliny
g. It
was a world-wide movement.--Eliezer
h. His
brother was named James.--Josephus
D. Biblical: the Gospels.9
The Gospels are thematic accounts
of Jesus' life, similar to biographies, in four different styles, from
four different perspectives, by four different men. God has given unique
presentations, graciously tailored to specific groups of people, so everyone
might understand the gospel and receive it. This demonstrates God's sensitivity
to cultural differences.
The gospels are the only documents we possess that give us detailed information about Christ. Everything we know about Him comes from this source. if you disregard what the Bible says about Jesus, you don't even have a Jesus to have an opinion about. Our goal is to let these primary source documents speak for themselves.
1. Gospel of Matthew
a. About
the author:
1) The unanimous tradition of the Church (i.e. the writings of the early
church leaders) supports Matthew Levi, one of the twelve Apostles, as author (JSBE
3, p. 287). He writes as an eyewitness to the events.
2) Matthew started out as a tax collector (a publican, cf. Luke 5:27),
by Jews as an extortionist.
b. Content:
1) Written to Jewish audience, with abundant Old Testament references (over
60 quotations) showing prophetic fulfillment in Jesus.10 Matthew
goes out of his way to show the indisputable connection between Christianity
and the Old Testament.
2) Emphasizes Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and King. To a lesser extent,
both directly and indirectly, Matthew also identifies Jesus as the Son
of God, a title of deity.
c. Date:
d. Memorable
passages: the visit of the Magi (ch. 2), the temptation of Jesus (4), the
beatitudes and The Sermon on the Mount (5-7),
the death of John
the Baptist (14), Jesus walks on water (14), the greatest commandment (22),
the seven woes (23), the Olivet Discourse (24), the judgement of sheep
and goats (25), and the GreatCommission (28)
2. Gospel of Mark
a. About
the author:
1) Also known as John Mark, a companion of the apostles. His mother was
an early believer. Peter came to their home after his miraculous escape
from prison (Acts 12: 12ff). He accompanied Paul and Barnabas, his cousin
(Col. 4:10), on a mission trip to Cyprus (Acts 13:5) but later turned
back (13:13).
2) The church fathers (Iranaeus, Papias, Origen) identify John Mark as
Peter's disciple and interpreter. Much of the content, therefore, is dependent
on Peter (Unger, p. 696). This gospel therefore records what actually is
the eyewitness account of Peter (see 2 Peter 1:16) as well as the incidental,
first-hand witnessof John Mark, who probably was just a lad during Jesus'
b. Content:
1) Written to Roman audience. Includes explanations of Jewish customs and
2) Emphasizes Jesus as servant and redeemer.
3) Emphasizes the deeds of Christ Mark is the gospel of action, of deeds
rather than words (note the frequent use of the word "immediately"), and
has little emotional content. As was the custom of the day, the arrangement
is often topical and does not follow strict chronological order (Guthrie,
p. 58).
c. Date: 55-70
A.D. Many believe that Mark was the first gospel written, upon which
Matthew and Luke rely heavily for content
d. Memorable
passages: the paralytic is healed (ch. 2), the appointment of the Apostles
(3), the Gerasene demoniac (5), the transfiguration (9), blind Bartemaeus
cured (10), the widow's mite (12), and the Ascension (16).
3. Gospel of Luke
a. About
the author:
1) A Greek (Gentile) physician and traveling companion of Paul and included
in the narrative of portions of the book of Acts (note the use of "we",
16:10-11, 20:6-21:18, etc.).
2) As a master historian held in high esteem by today's historians12
vol. 3, p. 183), Luke "investigated everything carefully from the beginning"
so he could write an orderly account (1:3-4). Therefore, he was not an
eyewitness to the events themselves. This gospel is very detailed, the
longest book in the New Testament.
3) Luke also wrote the book of Acts as a companion, or sequel, to this
gospel (Acts 1:1-2).
b. Content:
1) Written in a polished, literary style that would appeal to the educated
Greek (note the flourish of 1:1-4). Luke is full of superb stories, giving
the reader a very personal glimpse of the life of Jesus.
2) Emphasizes the perfect humanity of Jesus, the Son of Man. Luke 19:10
is commonly taken as the key verse: "For the Son of Man has come to seek
and to save that which was lost" (Unger, p. 670).
3) Luke also stresses the role of the Holy Spirit more than the others.
c. Date: 55-60
d. Memorable
passages: the birth of John the Baptist (ch. 1), the Song of Mary (1),
the "Christmas Story" (2), Jesus preaches in Nazareth (4), the great catch
of fish (5), the raising of Jairus' daughter (8), the seventy sent
out (10), the Lord's prayer (11), the faithful steward (12), the prodigal
son (15), and the encounter on the road to Emmaus (24).
4. Gospel of John13
a. About
the author:
1) Personal companion of Jesus; the "disciple who Jesus loved." Probably
the unnamed disciple in John 1:35-40.
2) An eyewitness to the details of Jesus' life.
aa. John 2 1:24 "This is the disciple who bears witness of these things,
and wrote these things; and we know that his witness is true."
bb. 1 John 1:1&3 "What was from the beginning, what we have seen with
oi.~r eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of
Life.. . What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also."
b. Content:
1) Written with all men in mind, in an uncomplicated style, focusing on
the significance of Jesus' teaching as opposed to the events of Jesus'
life (as in the Synoptics). Note the unique prologue (John 1:1-18) that
serves almost as an outline, an introduction to the rich themes of the
2) Emphasizes Jesus as the Son of God (deity) and salvation by faith.
3) Emphasizes the last few weeks of Jesus' life (chapters 11-21), His Passion.
4) Purpose: to lead people to faith in Jesus. John 20:3 1: "These things
have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of God; and in believing you may have life in His name."
c. Date:
90 A.D., though some date it as early as 60 A.D.14,15
d. Memorable
passages: the first disciples (ch. 1), the wedding at Cana (2), Nicodemus
and being born again" (3), the Samaritan woman at the well (4), the Bread
of Life Discourse (6), the woman taken in adultery (8), "Before Abraham
was, I am" (8), the Good Shepherd (10), Lazarus raised (11), Jesus washes
the disciple's feet (13), the Upper Room Discourse (14-16), the Great High
Priestly Prayer (17), and the recomnussioning of Peter (21).
E. Did Jesus study in India for the "missing" 18
years of His life and then bring back a message reflecting eastern religious
1. There is no historical information
what-so-ever that places Jesus in India.
"documentation" comes from psychic messages (e.g. The Aquarian Gospel
of Jesus Christ and the readings of Edgar Cayce) and they conflict
with each other. The only evidence that even claims to be historical was
supposedly viewed by Nicolas Notovich in 1887 in a monastery in Tibet.
The alleged scrolls about the prophet Issa have never been produced and
the monks who were supposed to have them denied any knowledge of either
the scrolls or Notovich.
2. The Gospels teach Jesus stayed
in Israel.
a. Our
best historical accounts strongly imply that Jesus stayed with his family
the entire time He grew up, as would be expected of a young Jewish lad.
Matt 2:23 "...and He came and resided in a city called Nazareth, that what
was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called
a Nazarene"
Luke 2:51-52 "And He went down with them, and came to Nazareth; and He continued
in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all
these things in her heart. And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature,
and in favor with God and men."
b. Both
of these accounts are immediately followed by the account of John the Baptist,
implying Jesus' baptism was the next significant event in Jesus' life.
If Jesus had traveled to the East it would have been a critical theological
event and would not have been left out of the historical record. Jesus'
earlier trip to Egypt as an infant (Man 2:13-15) was included.
c. Other
references tell us that the townspeople of Nazareth were taken aback at
Jesus' wisdom as He preached. The implication is that He grew up in their
midst as a normal Jewish boy. They were amazed at the Messianic emphasis
of His ministry. This was an entirely new element.
Lk 4:22 ""And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious
words which were falling from His lips; and they were saying, "Is this
not Joseph's son?"'
Matt 13:54-5 6 (cf. Mk 6:3) "And coming to His home town [i.e. the
place where He grew up] He began teaching them in their synagogue, so that
they became astonished, and said, "Where did ths man get this wisdom, and
these miraculous powers? Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother
called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? Where
then did this man get all these things?"'
3. The expense and distance make
such a trip unlikely.
This kind of travel would have
been extremely difficult for a youngster. The distances that had to be
covered were incredible for anyone in that time, adult or child, given
the methods of transportation. In addition, Jesus came from an extremely
poor family who could not afford the incredible expenses a trip like that
would incur.
4. Gentile culture was repugnant
to Jews.
At that
time in history Jewish involvement with Gentiles was strictly limited.
Non-Jewish culture was repugnant to a Hebraic (as opposed to Hellenistic)
Jew. Jesus would have little cultural tolerance for living in the midst
of idol Worshiping Gentiles in India.
5. Jesus taught Judaism, not
Jesus' teaching was completely antithetical to the world view of eastern
religions. His theology was thoroughly grounded on a Hebraic concept of
God and reality. Jesus continued to refer to the Old Testament, indicating
His respect for the Law and the prophets and the God of Israel. In fact,
He kept the Law impeccably. He never quoted or even alluded to the Vedas.
6. Conclusion:
shred of hard evidence we have places Jesus in the land of Israel for His
entire life except the brief sojourn in Egypt (which the historical accounts
are careful to note).
IV. Quality of the witnesses.
A. The disciples had little motivation to lie.
1. Not only was it contrary to
their strict morality, it would gain them nothing.
2.Being a Christian back then
was a ticket to ridicule and persecution.
promised the same fate as their Master (MatL 10:23-25).
3.Every apostle except John (who
probably died a natural death) was killed because of his belief in Jesus.
In other words, they signed their testimony in blood.
B. In a court of law these writers would qualify
as the very best of witnesses.
1. In court, the testimony of
a witness can be impeached by one of five lines of attack:
a. By
proving that the witness, on a previous occasion, has made statements inconsistent
with his present testimony.
b. By
demonstrating bias in the witness.
c. By
attacking the character of the witness.
d. By
questioning the capacity in the witness to observe, remember, or recount
the matters testified about.
e. By
proving through other witnesses that material facts are otherwise than
as testified (Cleary p. 72).
2. The testimony of these men
is not vulnerable to any of these charges:
a. There
is no conflicting or inconsistent testimony.
There is no evidence that the Gospel writers claimed at a previous time
that the events in question never happened. Instead, they began proclaiming
the salient facts from the outset and it didn't change.
issue of bias and self-interest strengthens the credibility of the witnesses'
testimonY rather than weakens it.
The lives of the witnesses to Jesus Christ were continually in peril. In
many cases the early Christians were driven under ground into hiding, yet
they clung fervently to their testimony, affirming the teachings of Jesus
and His resurrection from the dead. For this testimony they were crucified
en mass, fed to the lions, sacrificed by the Roman gladiators or beheaded.
One simple thing would have saved them this torment: recanting. These witnesses
did exactly the opposite of what self-interest would dictate.
c. There
is no evidence to impugn the witnesses' character. indicating that they
might be lying.
Not only was it totally inconsistent with the moral standard they professed
and lived by, but also there was no motivation to fabricate.
d. The
unique nature of the events and the nature of the
testimony lend themselves to accurate observation andrecall.
Their is no direct evidence that the witnesses' capacity to observe was
distorted. The accounts are clear and lucid, giving an abundance of detail.
They read like the testimony of one intimately acquainted with the facts
of the issue, someone who was personally involved with the process, who
was proximal to the events in question, and who had repeated opportunity
to observe those events.
Matthew and John personally made visual identification of the risen Christ,
an individual they had spent more than three years in intimate, personal
contact with.
e. John
and Matthew corroborate each other and are supported other extraneous evidence
Disproving the facts of the first witness is generally accomplished using
the testimony of a second witness. When we compare the testimony of the
eyewitnesses John and Matthew, however, we find that their accounts mesh.
Their accounts also coincide with the historical summaries given by Luke,
the companion of Paul, and Mark, the Apostle Peter's companion.
Since each one's experience with Jesus was not the same, there are some
differences, as you'd expect. There is sufficient unanimity between the
witnesses to demonstrate corroboration, but sufficient variation in details
and viewpoints in the accounts to eliminate the charge of collaboration.
V. Words and culture
For the purpose of this course, I have made the
following standard assumptions that make intelligent study of the materials
A. Since the gospels purport to be historical information, I read them as such. I don't read them as poetry or mythology.
B. I assume that Jesus and the writers that quote Him are attempting to say something important. Therefore I assume they will be speaking as clearly as possible. As such, I take the plain sense of their statements at face value, just as I would normal communication.
C. I assume the normal conventions of language. Meaning is derived from words in relation to sentences and paragraphs. My interpretation must be derived from the context if language is to convey any meaning.
D. The speaker's or author's intent is the fundamental issue of interpretation. His culture, language, and audience are critical factors in understanding what he means.16
E. Finally, I give the benefit of the doubt to the
author. I don't assume he's lying, contradicting himself or misrepresenting
the facts unless I have sound reasons to do so.
1The term "cult" here
is not used in a negative sense but in a technical one: "Any religious
movement that is organizationally distinct and has doctrines and/or practices
that contradict those of the Scriptures as interpreted by traditional Christianity..."
Sire, p. 20.
2Most of the following information for JW's, Mormons and Christian Scientists is taken from the pamphlet "The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error,' compiled by Keith Brooks, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1976)
3Paul goes as far as saying that if the resurrection of Christ is not an historical reality, then Christians are of all men most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:12-19).
4At His trial, Jesus was condemned to die not for what He did (they could find no valid charges against Him), but for who He said He was: "And the high priest said unto Him, "I adjure you by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God.' And Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself.' ... Then the high priest tore his robes saying, "He has blasphemed!' . . . "He is deserving of death."' (Matt 26:63-66)
5A11 Scripture references throughout this syllabus are from the New American Standard Version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.
6See Whiston for all of these references.
7Add to this list, of course, a significant number of references from within Christian circles, including all of the church fathers (Origen, Justin Martyr, Polycarp, Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Papias, Eusebius, etc.).
8Barnett, pp. 30-31
9The word "gospel" comes from the Greek euaggelion, meaning good news or tidings (Young, p. 430).
10Twelve O.T. references are introduced with the phrase, "This happened to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet." The gospel itself starts with a genealogy, of particular importance to Jews awaiting theirMessiah.
111n the case of each of the gospels, the material was not recorded in its present form until years after the events. It's clear, though, that the material was communicated to the young church starting immediately after the resurrecüon (see Acts 2&3), being rehearsed hundreds of times by those who ultimately supplied the information for the gospels. Each gospel was written by those who were close to the events themselves at a time when many eyewitnesses, including hostile ones, were available to confirm the accounts. It was this detailed "oral tradition" that gave doctrinal substance and spiritual vitality to the early church
12Renowned archaeologist Sir William Ramsay wrote, "Luke is an historian of the first .... . This author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians" (Ramsay, p. 222).
13Matthew, Mark and Luke are very similar in their content and are therefore often referred to as the "Synoptic' gospels (syn-together, opsis-view). They share much of the same material about Jesus' life (50-75% overlap), though their style and sequence are different. By contrast, less than 10% of the material in John is paralleled in the Synoptics (ISBE vol. 2, p. 532).
14The oldest manuscript we have of the New Testament is a small portion of the Gospel of John discovered in Egypt called the John Ryland Papyrii, dated c. 140 A.D. This indicates that the fourth gospel was circulated and in widespread use far removed from its traditional place of composition (Ephesus in Asia Minor) by the first half of the 2nd century (Unger. p. 598, Metzger, pp. 38-39).
15The prevailing opinion is that the Gospel of Mark was written first, followed by Matthew and Luke who probably used Mark as a source text, borrowing parts of it then expanding on it with their own contributions. John followed much later, at the end of the apostolic era.
16The concept of "Christ"
is a perfect example. The word "Christ" is simply the Greek translation
of the word "Messiah." Where ever you read the word Christ, therefore,
you can substitute Messiah. This concept of Messiah has a long tradition
and history connected with it, giving it a very specific and technical
meaning. Cult groups of the 20th century, however, have isolated the term
Christ from its cultural context and given it their own meaning, suggesting
that "the Christ" is a level of spiritual development that Jesus attained
to and we can all attain to. This practise does violence to the conventions
of language.
About Mr. Koukl:
A central theme of Greg's speaking
and writing is that Christianity can compete in the marketplace of ideas
when it's properly understood and properly articulated. He has had many
opportunities to argue in the public arena for the viability of classical
One of Greg's teachings has been
featured on the Focus on the Family radio broadcast. He was a frequent
guest on KABC's Religion on the Line in Los Angeles. Greg has been quoted
in U.S. News & World Report and was a regular columnist in The Plain
Truth Magazine. An award-winning writer, Greg has published a new book
with Dr. Francis J. Beckwith, Relativism; Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air,
and is the author of Precious Unborn Human Persons. Greg received his B.A.
in Bible from Azusa Pacific University, his Masters in Christian Apologetics
from Simon Greenleaf University and is working on his Masters In Philosophy
of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology. He hosts his own radio
talk show advocating clear-thinking Christianity and defending the Christian
world view.